Preliminary auto ies on the dead children sunday a ear to show they were drowned , ace hart , a deputy st . clair county coroner , told the a ociated pre 圣?克莱尔县验尸官艾斯?哈特告诉美联社记者,星期日孩子们的初步尸检显示他们是被淹死的。
An auto y showed that jimella tu tall bled to death after sustaining an abdominal wound caused by a sharp object , believed to be sci ors , hart has said 哈特说,尸检显示,贾米拉?汤斯顿是在腹部受到持续的利器创伤后失血过多致死的,相信凶器是剪刀。
According to sunday ' s auto ies , there were no sig of physical abuse or trauma on the children - ages 7 , 2 , and 1 - and toxicology tests were pending " to see if they were poisoned or po ibly drugged , " hart said 根据星期天的尸检, 7岁、 2岁和1岁的3个孩子没有证据显示他们受虐待的痕迹,在他们身上也没有外伤,毒物学检验需要稍后进行“以验证他们是否被毒死或者服用了某种药物” ,哈特说。